We are committed to protecting the health of our team and our local community. We have significantly increased our clinic hygiene procedures and are abiding by the recommended social distancing guidelines.
What are we doing?
- All surfaces, including the reception desk, chairs, and door handles are being regularly disinfected
- Reading material has been removed from the waiting area
- Chairs have been removed from the waiting area to ensure social distancing is adhered to
- Any item touched by a patient (eg. pen or clipboards) is being disinfected after use
- Treatment tables in Physio consults are being disinfected before and after each treatment
- Practitioners have a dedicated treatment/consulting room each day
- Any towels used in Physio consults are washed after each use
- Any staff member who is feeling anything other than 100% will not be working on site
- Hand sanitiser is being provided for every person who enters the clinic
- We are minimising all cash transactions and encouraging the use of contactless cards for all payments
On top of the above, we are continuing to monitor the government and WHO advice about appropriate hygiene practices and will implement any additional recommendations as they are provided.